28758 County Road W, Hazel Green

Listing Courtesy of Southwest Wisconsin Real Estate Llc
Location, location, location just 8 miles to Galena, 15 miles to Dubuque & 15 miles to Platteville! This is a unique little country property about 3 miles outside of Hazel Green waiting for a buyer with imagination to think outside of the box! The home is in need of significant attention inside. Exterior is cute and has lots of outbuildings, making it a really attractive purchase. Fix it up, make it your dream home or second home, rent it single family, or maybe it's location and tons of traffic on Hwy. W sounds attractive for the ATVs or maybe AirBNB. Possibilities are endless! Well is a pit well and is only used for livestock, but will be replaced by seller. Bedroom electric consists of wall lights w/no outlets. All measurements, square footage, taxes, and assessments are approximate.
Listing Information:
Listing Provided Courtesy of Southwest Wisconsin Real Estate Llc

For more information, please call 1-877-233-7356
Square Feet: 1,128
Bedrooms: 3
Est. Age: 999
Bathrooms: Full: 1 3/4: 0 1/2: 0 1/4: 0
Garage: Opener inc.
Style: National Folk/Farm house
MLS Number: 1963304
Elementary School: Benton
Middle School: Benton
High School: Benton
This information, provided by seller, listing broker, and other parties, may not have been verified.
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